No matter how long I live here it is always a delight to see the whales. Normally all we see is the fin of the humpback whale as they travel along and sometimes the spout of their breathing. When they get a bit hungry they dive deep and their tail breaks the surface of the water and we get to see the "whale tail" with the cascading water and get the thrill of being so close to something that is so magnificent and huge.
All prices include US shipping!
- High quality print from original watercolor by Maida Kelley.
- Printed on 100% rag watercolor paper just like original watercolor.
- Choose from 4 different mat colors to suit your style.
- Matted with PH neutral white core mat board to keep your print crisp and clear for years to come.
- Encased in crystal clear bag to keep print picture perfect until it reaches you.
- Available sizes are given in outer mat dimensions. Actual print size may vary slightly depending on image.
- 8x10 outside mat, image size approximately 5x7
- 11x14 outside mat, image size approximately 7x10
- 16x20 outside mat size, image size approximately 10x14
Mat and Print colors may vary slightly from what you see on your screen due to differences in screen calibration.